Here at Forest Hills Church we offer programming on Sunday mornings for infants through 5th grade and many events for your family throughout the year! If you would like to be enrolled in our monthly email newsletter that lists the upcoming family events at FHPC and other happenings, please email [email protected] to be added. We look forward to meeting you soon! |
BEFORE THE SERVICE | When you arrive, make sure that your first stop is at our welcome desk in the church lobby. It is here that you will be greeted by a member of the children's ministry team to help you through the registration and check-in process as well as answer any questions you may have. If you arrive after the service begins- no sweat- somebody will be at the desk to greet you, check your child(ren) in and chaperone them to their classroom.
NURSERY | Our nursery includes all children birth until they turn 3 years old and is staffed by trained and caring individuals. We have a consistent staff member along with a volunteer to assist with the youngest of our church! We offer a nursery every Sunday from 9:15AM until a few minutes after the worship service has ended.
NURSERY | Our nursery includes all children birth until they turn 3 years old and is staffed by trained and caring individuals. We have a consistent staff member along with a volunteer to assist with the youngest of our church! We offer a nursery every Sunday from 9:15AM until a few minutes after the worship service has ended.
DURING THE SERVICE | After being checked in at the welcome desk, 3 year olds through 5th grade children will enter the service with their guardians for the beginning portion of our service. About 10-15 minutes into the service, Miss Ash will give a little blurb about what they're learning about today and will dismissed them to the lower level of the church for their own Sunday school worship experience- FHPC KIDS! It is here that they will join together for announcements before 3's-Kindergarten students are dismissed their own classroom for the story and activities (Prek- K are in room 27). 1st-5th graders will then stay in the large group area for the video Bible story, activities, response time and fun! FHPC KIDS concludes at 10:30AM and all children should be fetched from the lower level space. (please feel free to have coffee and mingle if the worship service is over early)
Upcoming Events for FHPC KIds
Once a month (generally September-May) our high school ministry students host a Kids' Night Out for children 4 years old-4th grade. It's a night of games, crafts, movies, popcorn, video games and more at our church from 6-10PM. The children have a blast as the parents are able to enjoy an evening to themselves! :)
Since this is a fundraiser for our high school students, we are charging $21 a child for the entire evening! (that's four hours of childcare & planned activities for just $21 a kid! $20 plus a $1 online handling fee) The proceeds will be given directly to our high school mission trip. Our high school students and leaders host this event as a service to our community as well as to raise funds for their summer mission trip to Logan, West Virginia. CHECK OUT FHPCUSA.ORG/KNO FOR FUTURE DATES OR TO REGISTER YOUR CHILD(REN)!!!! |